As Artificial Intelligence continues to influence various industries, it's important to position yourself for the future to stay relevant and competitive. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about a major transformation in the job space by taking over tasks that...
Discover actionable tips, insights from experts, real-life success stories, and thought-provoking ideas that will propel you forward on your path to greatness
Staying Focused on Your Goals In A Tough Economy
The year 2024 is taking a fast pace. Days are moving by so quickly and so does our desire to match up to achieve our goals for the year. However, the economy has another option like it has been sent to slow us down, especially in this part of the world. And questions...
How To Consistently Stay Motivated Till You Achieve Your Goals
Can you believe it's already February? A week has already passed! How was your January? Did you achieve your goals? With your current approach, will you be able to achieve your goals this year? It can be challenging to maintain excitement and determination throughout...
Goal Setting and Its Positive Influence On Your Mental Health
In the constantly changing mental health and well-being scenario, goal setting has emerged as a powerful tool. Goal setting isn't just about achieving results or productivity; it has a broader impact on mental health. Here is why goal setting benefits mental health,...
The Positive Impact of Having A Vision Board
Every year, the desire to achieve one's goals heightens, especially at the beginning of the year. However, realising one's aspirations comes with challenges such as lingering motivation, self-doubt, and lack of a tangible roadmap. This is where a vision board becomes...
Step-By-Step Guide To Goal Setting
Review Your Activitiest in the Past Year: Create time to review the past year. Evaluate your achievements, challenges, lessons learned and areas for improvement. Reflecting on the past is a great way to assess your shortcomings and how to improve them or make better...
A Helpful Guide To Having A Great Year
A new year is a well of endless opportunities, a point where reflection meets aspiration. It is a time to reflect on the past, draw lessons from experiences, and pave the way for growth and the achievements you wish for.Define what you wish to achieve. It could be...
How To End The Year And Go Into The Coming Year On A Good Note
As the year draws to an end I'm also looking back at the year and all my experiences. They is so much to say but this text space may not contain it so in summary, we conquered. However, a lot of people at the end of the year allow themselves to be overwhelmed by...
Does January Have 55 Days?
Yeah… I have seen a lot of speculation that January is the longest month. But funny, it never gets past 31days? So how is that? What is your believe about January? Is yours 31 or 55days? Please leave a comment telling me how many days is January in your city. (Smile)...
Reasons why people repeat a bad circle and how to avoid that in 2024
They don't plan. When you do not plan. Every action seem worthy of trying and at the end of the day, you loseenergy, time as well as resources. Planning will guide you to take the right action. Planning is keyto avoiding a bad circle. You can go over mistakes...